Okay so yesterday was a major confidence buster. I had a group ride and was one of the only hybrid bikes in my group that was riding 15 miles. We started at Walden Pond and rode through Concord and Carlisle. As I was huffing and puffing and spinning the hell out of my wheels everyone else seemed to be cruising. I was extremely frustrated and cursing the fact that I had not sucked it up and put money into a road bike. Luckily a mentor, Chip stayed behind with me, since I was the last person in the group. He taught me some helpful hints and even took some of the load off of my bike. Apparently because of my bike and what not, I had to work and exert way more energy than needed. Just thinking of having to exert that much energy on race day was daunting. Chip kept trying to cheer me up, but it just wasn't happening. The ride ended and we then took off running. My legs felt like bricks and I am currently wondering how the heck I will make it on June 2nd. I know that the bike is not the whole thing, but why make it harder on myself. I know I am not the most athletic person, or coordinated. I have been mediocre at almost all ventures I take on, and I am okay with that. I know that this is a small part of what I am doing, but it was frustrating. Needless to say I went to a few bike stores today and will suck it up and go into some more debt to buy a suitable bike. I am most likely going to trade in my bike that my parents bought me when I graduated college. After making it through the day of hell, I joined some coworkers for a cancer walk. It was a great turn out and I made it just in time to do a memorial lap for John Kim, our coworker who died recently from pancreatic cancer. It is always difficult to do, but what is even better is seeing all the purple shirt survivors there with a smile (Karen and Lisa especially!). Here is a picture of a possible bike. Great week to all! Wish me luck this week, I will be preparing for a mock triathlon. I really need a confidence booster right about now.