For all of the students and teachers out there, my deepest condolences that vacation is over. It will be a long few months until we have our next vacation, especially us LABBB workers who go through July!! It was a beautiful weekend here and I started it off once again in the pool at Simmons College with my teammates. We did alot of the same drills as last week, and I was dragging a bit this week due to a nasty virus that I cannot seem to shake, but I powered through. At the end we had to do a quick 1200 yard swim, and I was struggling at first to get into it, but by the end I was feeling like I needed to move up a lane where people were swimming at a faster pace (but I didn't..hehe).
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed that in about 6 weeks I will have to do this triathlon. I am feeling underprepared, and feel like I have been focusing on the swimming a bit too much. So my goal this week is to work on getting my miles up on the bike and run. Our mock triathlon has been set for Cinco De Mayo. As I think back to my days at PC, I remember the raging parties that would happen as the end of the school year was winding down and the weather was getting nice out. We would pretend that we knew what Cinco De Mayo was and drink all day out in the sun. Man I feel old now, that I will now instead be pulling on a wet suit, hopping in a cold pool, onto a bike and then running. Heck maybe i'll wear a sombrero for good old times sake!
This weekend Nana made it into the same rehab that she attended over the summer and seems to be doing a little better. Hopefully the next few weeks will be uneventful, because this month has been difficult to say the least. Lets hope that the sunshine is going to bring more light to us all.
I want to add a picture of my friends daughter Lily. If any of you remember, Lily was diagnosed last year at the age of 7 months with Leukemia. Lily is doing fantastic and had a nice visit from the Framingham Fire Dept. this weekend with a beautiful rocking chair and tons of books for her make a wish. Yay Lily! This is what its all about!

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