Sunday, March 11, 2007

The BELLE of the ball

Well I know this site was meant for updating my triathlon progress, and I will do that, however we have some exciting news. We would like to introduce the new four legged member of the family, Belle. Bri and I went to Quincy today to a breeder and although I had no idea which one to get, Bri instantly fell for the black cocker spaniel with "brown socks" as he put it. She is a sweetie, and was relatively chill compared to her 7 brothers and sisters who were all attacking one another. We will be taking her home in about three weeks or so. I am trying to be a good dog owner and reading up on as much puppy info as possible.

Okay back to training. I had a great practice Saturday morning. We had to jump into a freezing pool at 8:30, and we were videotaped on our first lap underwater. We swam for about two hours and I am really getting a hang of all the drills. After practice my coach pulled each one of us aside to go over the tape (luckily they could not find a TV for the whole team to watch). All in all I am doing very well with keeping my head down and where my arms should be and stuff, so hopefully this might be my strongest leg of the event. Lord knows I have not been running much! That will come with time i'm sure.

Okay thats all for this post, a little bird told me baby Elizabeth is on her way. She must miss her auntie because I was with her all day yesterday. By the way, major props to all the moms and dads out there, I was EXHAUSTED after a day with her, and she barely moves.

Love to all!

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