Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cause she's got HIGH HOPES

Okay first things first, I only need $115 dollars to meet my fundraising minimum!!! Come on people, who is going to be the one to put me over the minimum????

This week has gone really well with training. I swam twice so far and went over a mile both times. Managed to suck it up on the treadmill yesterday and ran a whopping 3 miles. But the good news is that I felt no pain in my knees. I am going to keep it slow and steady with the running so that I do not end up needing cortizone shots like last year.

So now that I am 3 days away from my 28th year I started to think about things. Now I was never one with a master plan, or an idea of what I thought I would be when I was this age. Who needs stress like that. I typically take each year for what it is, and try to learn as many lessons as possible to be a better person. I am thinking that by the time I turn 90 I will have gotten it. Anyways long story short, I have decided (afterall if we "think" we are going to do something it won't happen) that I am going to do a half ironman the year I turn 30. So yes, I have two years before that happens, but if I keep up my training after this triathlon then it should not be any harder than a marathon. I will look into it and see which events the TEAM participates in. There is a half ironman the same weekend as my triathlon in New Hampshire so maybe it will be that one. I just think that Hawaii sounds much better. As long as this does not interfere with the vacation that my girlfriends are planning for our 30 birthdays then I should be golden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could always celebrate our 30th in Hawaii