Friday, June 01, 2007


Okay so I am just here watching my dog eat the only rug I bought for the house, and I don't even care. My stomach is in knots, and I cannot even think straight for packing my bags. Heather and I are taking off in a bit to drive up to NH. We are practicing in the lake when we get there, so that our bodies can get used to feeling semi hypothermic....seriously. Then its time for our pasta party with the team tonight. Looking forward to this being over. That is for sure. I am sure its mostly in my head, but my shoulder is on fire, my knee which has not really bothered me is hurting while I walk, my throat hurts and I think I might have TB from that guy that I have never come in contact with. Well maybe not but the more excuses I can use for coming in at the back of the pack tomorrow the better.
I am planning on coming back tomorrow after the victory party, and I will try to post as soon as possible to let you know how it went.
Above all I have raised $5000 dollars with all of your help! That is amazing that after four years I am still able to raise almost double the amount I am supposed to.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're going to do great. You've already surpassed your donation goal, which is so awesome. Good luck and have FUN :)