Monday, March 19, 2007

55 degrees and falling

Had a productive morning at the BSC in Lexington this morning. I am swimming a mile faster and faster each time. I am having an issue with my right knee in the water. My coach thinks it is the way that they taught us to kick. I never really used my legs too much swimming til now so I am going to have to keep an eye on that. It was nice to relax in the jacuzzi today after my swim. Its kind of like the calm before the storm. It is always weird though when older men, okay men of any age join you with only a thin layer of cloth on, which they call a speedo, I call a banana hammock.
You may be wondering about the title of this post. I came home today to the house being a chilly 55 degrees and falling. My fingers are actually cramping from being so cold. No idea but the heat will not work. There are some men working on the top floor here, and despite me asking 3 different times, in many ways, they do not seem to think that it was anything they did. We shall see about this one.
Going to retreat to a friends house, especially since I cannot watch Dancing With The Stars, because I broke Brian's plasma ( I didnt really but I am sure I am being blamed for it on some leve....). Good luck to Ian Ziering tonight, aka Steve from 90210!!!
BREAKING NEWS: Brian just got home and the heat is back on. Apparently our oil burner was turned to off.....interesting.
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could always celebrate our 30th in hawaii!!!