Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just a guppy in a school of fish

I want to start this post with a favor. A good friend of the family Ally, is in need of some peace as she continues to fight her battle with MLD. MLD is a rare genetic disease that she was just diagnosed with last year. Only a few years younger than me, she has been through so much this passed year, as well as her family. Please think and pray for them as Ally continues this battle.

As for this weekend, I feel as though it was much longer than an average weekend. It began early Saturday morning as I made it over to Simmons College to meet my team for a swim. Little did I know that at the end we were going to simulate what it would be like when hundreds of people start the race together on the small beach at the lake. So that meant that we put about 15 people into a lane, the coach said go, and we went. You did not wait til the person in front of you had some distance. You did not care about who you were kicking. But you did make sure that your head was shielded at all times. Oh and you most certainly swallowed about a gallon of water. At least I did!! So all in all a pretty fun practice. After practice I went to a wedding shower and became quite nostalgic as I drove past all the charity runners doing their 20-miler. I laid on the horn for about 10 minutes showing my support to complete strangers. I came home from that and the birthday festivities began and did not end til the wee hours of the morning. The purple suit did make an appearance. After waking up early to begin todays duties we experienced another homeowners nightmare. Our sink pretty much fell out of the wall. The garbage disposal fell out with the pipes. Lets just say that we were covered in what looked like throw up. Due to my lack of sleep and immaturity, I just laughed hysterically as Brian tried to take care of it. Its not 2:40 and it seems to be under control and we are just drying out everything. Gotta go pick up Nana and Papa to head over to my dads for a 3:00 dinner. I think I am going to be late!!!

Have a great start of the week everyone!

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