Saturday, March 03, 2007


Well it was a pretty productive week for me all in all, but perhaps too productive because I woke up with quite a cold (I guess I can thank the kids for this one!). Needless to say I did not think that heading to the pool to infect my teammates was a good idea, so instead I plopped down in front of out new plasma and watched a few hours of 90210. I healed pretty well from my biking accident last week, and managed to work out every day last week. I have been trying to make it to the gym in the mornings before work. This allows me to keep up with my second and third jobs, as well as acupuncture. Speaking of acupuncture, I was kicked out. Yes, it is possible. I was put on a treatment plan of twice a week for 6 months. At $70 a pop, this is just not possible. As I sat there and explained that while I understood why it would be good for me, that I just could not pick up anymore extra jobs to be able to pay for it. It was rather uncomfortable, and while I thought I would still be able to go once every few weeks, they did not feel that was a good idea. So I am on the market for a new acupuncturist. My body seemed to react to it so I will try it out. On to my next venture...Reiki. I am taking a Reiki class tomorrow. My old supervisor is a Reiki Master and owns her own holistic center ( Reiki is all about energy healing. My old neighbor from Waltham Trish, learned Reiki when her son was sick. When my mother was sick, she would come over and help her to relax by doing Reiki every once in a while. I am learning and will hopefully be effective at helping people to be more balanced. I am not sure how long it will take me to be comfortable enough to do this on others, but I already have lots of volunteers! Well that is it for me, I am going to milk this cold and sit in front of the television all day. Hoping that I can make it to the pool tomorrow to get my swim in. Have a great weekend everyone!

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