Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spring has Sprung

Well FINALLY it feels like Spring!!! Love must be in the air because Belle just got mounted outside by a chiuauau (sp???) Spike. I had to nip that one in the bud. Belle is helping me to type so if there are typos you can blame her.
Some updates:
Nana is finally past her delusional state. She was talking so much jargon, pretending to make sandwiches for people, talking to the walls. It was quite comical until the Dr. said she might not "come out of it". Luckily she has and will hopefully be entering a rehab soon. Her arm looks like the incredible hulkand she has about 45 staples in her but she is a trooper.
Traning is going okay, despite teh ulcer I got in my mouth this week due to stress, s oI am dealing with that. Made it to the gym today to swim a mile and I felt pretty good. My shoulder injury seemed to work itself out which is fantastic.
I was planning on taking a trip to NH with Heather to ride the bike route that we will do on triathlon day. However our TV is being delivered tomorrow and I have to take Belle face to teh vet. I think she has an STD. Kidding but ya never know. Happy weekend to all, I hope you are all going to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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