Friday, April 06, 2007

Spring Please Cometh

In case any of you are not lucky enough to be from the New England area, know this.....ITS COLD!!! I did not think I would be dog training in this weather but so be it!

I am enjoying the day off today, and hanging with Belle face. Despite all the emotional rollercoasters that this week brought, I was able to get all my work outs in. Even thought I thought that there was no way to injure myself with swimming, I managed to sneak in a little nagging injury. Mondays swim was pretty uncomfortable for me, and my shoulder felt like it was on fire. I made it through the workout. The next day I woke up and made it to the 6:15 spin class with Heather. I was unable to put pressure on my shoulder so that was interesting trying to balance on the bike. I went back to my chiropractor two weeks ago, so luckily he gave me a little tune up. It feels a little better, and I managed to run 5 miles yesterday pain free.
Going to get in another work out today, and doing my first brick tomorrow. Yes there are lots of triathlon terms that I do not understand, such as when we run we are supposed to do "fartlets", i'm pretty sure I should not giggle every time but if someone knows what that is please enlighten. So a brick is doing two sports in one workout. So I am supposed to bike 90 minutes then run a half hour. Fun stuff! There is no practice this weekend because of Easter, so I will be doing this alone at the gym tomorrow.

Going to head out today to get all my goods for the fundraiser tomorrow night. Looking forward to it, and hope to see alot of faces there.

Happy Easter!

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